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Story | in english | with moral

                          An Ant AND A Grasshopper

A lazy grasshopper laughed at a little ant as she was always busy gathering food.

"why are you working so hard?" he asked, "come into the sunshine and listen to my merry notes."

"But the ant went on her work. She said" I am lying in a store for the winter. Sunny days won't last for ever."

"Winter is so far away yet, "laughed the grasshopper back.
The ant and grasshopperAnd when the winter came, the ant settled down in her snug house. She had plenty of food to last the whole winter. The grasshopper had nothing to eat so, he went to the ant and begged her for a little corn.

"No", replied the ant, "you laughed at me when I worked. You yourself sang through the summer. So you had better dance the winter away."

MORAL : Idleness is a curse.


                          THE WOLF AND THE GOAT

Once a wolf saw a goat atop a hill and said, "Come down here, Miss Goat! The grass here is greener and longer."

"Thank You," answered the goat, "the grass down there may be much better.

 But, if I come down you will get a good meal. So, I prefer to stay here - where you can't reach.

 At least I am quite safe."



                             THE MISER

There was once a miser. 

He melted all his money into a block of gold and buried it in a pit. 

Every day he would dig it up and smile to see it.
One night the gold-block was stolen.

 So, the miser was in tears. A friend of his saw him weeping and said, " You should bury a stone in the pit and look at it every day. You never spent money when you had it Was it better then a stone anyway?"

MORAL : It is a cause to be a miser.

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